Beard and moustache transplantation

Beard and moustache transplantation

The natural beard looks very attractive on a man and is an indicator of masculinity. A beard gives contours and sharpness to a man’s face. According to a study by Kiel university those men who wear a beard are perceived as more educated, more attractive and appealing. A lot of men nowadays suffer from beard or moustache hair loss and look for a reasonable solution of the problem.

The reasons of beard and moustache hair loss can be different. It might have genetic grounds, hormones or scar formation.

A beard transplantation, where beard hair is transplanted into desirable areas with the aim of improving beard growth can be a solution of the problem.

Beard transplantation has been a very sparing and effective method of hair transplantation, with no cuts or scars. This method is the right choice in those cases when a patient’s beard grows unevenly   or lacks some parts.

As well as for transplantation of hair on the head, for beard transplantation FUE method is used, because this is the most sparing technique.

The procedure is carried out under local anaesthesia on the donor site and the face. The operation is therefore painless and poses no risks and lasts for about 3-4 hours.

Concerning ist structure, the hair on the head and the beard hair is very similar. That is why for beard transplantation the hair from the back of the head is used. After the operation the transplanted hair cannot be distinguished from the natural hair.

In this way a natural look of the newly formed beard can be achieved. Each hair is extracted from the donor site with the help of a fine needle and transplanted into the bald patches in the area of the beard, the upper lip, cheecks or the chin.

Attention is paid to the direction of hair growth, so that the implanted hair does not differ from the natural hair in the beard.

After the operation small crusts in the form of tiny dots might appear. The recepient area is covered with special lotion. In 3 days after the operation a swelling might appear which reduces in a couple of days. The crusts in the area of the beard completely fall out in 10-15 days after the transplantation as well as the small inflammation in the recipient site. In 2 weeks no signs of surgical operation can be visible.

On the next day you can perform easy works. After beard transplantation the patient must not do any sport or sunbathe for about 4 weeks.

In the first 3 months after the operation almost all transplanted hair falls out. Later, the growth of new beard hair starts and new, strong and healthy hair begins to grow.

The newly transplanted beard can be washed, shaved and cared for as usual.

The hair roots in the back of the head are not sensitive against male hormones. They carry   their genetic qualities even after the transplantation. That is why these hair roots start to produce new hair for life and don’t fall out anymore. That’s why it’s really possible to encourage hair growth on previously bald patches.


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