The success rate of hair transplantation is very high. It means that the transplanted hair follicles grow new hair in the recipient area for life. Genetic information for a lifelong hair growth gets quasi transplanted. A decisive factor for the success of a hairtransplantation is the skill and experience of hair transplantation specialists. For the optimal aesthetic success of such an operation a thorough planning of the hair line, a careful extraction of hair roots from the donor site and a careful insertion of hair follicles into the bald areas are crucial. A further requirement for successful hair transplantation is that it is carried out in a ISO certified clinic with an emergency team and equipped with a special operating room.
Graft in hair transplanttion is the har root which is extracted from the donor site and is transplanted into the recipient area.
Please send us by email or using the contact form photos of the actual condition of your hair. The hair on your photos mustn’t be wet or styled with gel. We will send the photos further to our partner clinics. Using these photos our specialists can make an assessment of the necessary amount of grafts.
Basically, hair transplantation fits every patient, except those cases when hair loss is caused by an illness.
Your hair must be at least 5 mm on the day of operation.
Normally the transplanted hair follicles begin to grow new hair soon after the operation. In about 2-3 weeks the implanted hair falls out and the hair roots undergo a rest period. This period can last comparatively long. In 3-6 months at the latest a patient’s transplanted hair continues to grow for a lifetime. After one year transplanted hair will be fully mature and the desirable effect is achieved.
How many grafts can be transplanted during one hair transplantation procedure?
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The maximum number of transplanted hair grafts is 4000. In most cases 4000 grafts are enough to achieve the desirable effect.
Bei einer Haartransplantation werden keine Fremdhaare verwendet, weil der Körper die Fremdhaare wieder abstoßen würde. Die einzige Ausnahme stellen eineiige Zwillinge dar.