FUE technique (Follicular Unit Extraction) ) is considered to be one of the most modern and sparing methods of hair transplantation. In comparison to outdated methods FUE Method is much more comfortable and sparing. That’s why this technique is the most popular method of treatment.
FUE harvesting
With Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE harvesting, the so called individual follicular units are removed under local anesthesia from the back of the patient’s head and are placed into the bald patches. It is about extraction of individual hairs. Operation is carried out under local anesthesia, so that the patient doesn’t feel any pain. Micromotors are used to provide fast and safe extraction of follicles from the donor site. This micro removal typically uses tiny punches to extract hair follicles from the surrounding skin. Hair roots are not hurt during this procedure.
The hair follicle and the surrounding the follicle skin get exposed in a graft shaped as a cylinder. After that all the transplants get extracted one by one with the help of a special tweezer from the donor site and are placed into the prepared canals. The natural direction of hair growth is taken into consideration, so that the transplanted hair later does not fall out and a natural look is achieved.
Before the procedure the transplants are kept in a special solution. This automated method ensures that no hair follicles are lost in the process and it reduces the time of operation. So, it becomes possible to improve the density of your hair without damaging the skin or hair roots in the donor site. The needles are just 0,6-0,8 mm in diameter, so the wounds in the donor site heal very fast and are no longer visible in a very short time